Thursday, March 19, 2009

Temper tantrums

So I thought or should I say once thought a parent could control a kids temper tantrums in public. Yeah I know now that I don't know what to do. I was at Roberts with my mom and sister and Paityn wanted to walk so bad. I put her down and the first thing she grabs is a $500 item. Yeah so I picked her up and she got so mad. She has gotten to this stage way to soon. What happened to the nice baby that I could take anywhere and she would sit nicely. Those days went by way to fast. If anybody has suggestions on how to handle these out bursts I am open to suggestions. Oh but wait that is not all. We then went to dinner at Chilis. She was being way good until I wouldn't let her eat the crackers off the floor. I know mean mom won't let her eat crackers off the floor. Its a good thing we were done eating or it could have ended horribly. I know it is a stage and it will pass but I sure wish for the good days. I did discover that eating at home is more desireable now then ever. She can eat and then go walk around the house. We may not go out in public for a while.


Krystal said...

Ok, so I'm definitely not like "Super MOM" or anything but this is my take on the temper tantrums. Kids HAVE to learn how to act in public. Unfortunately you have to show them that you are not going to give in, without giving them the upper hand. When Bri does this sort of thing I IMMEDIATELY remove her. No matter where we are she sits in time out. One time we were down town at Iggy's and she had a huge one. I literally took her outside and held her on my lap while she freaked out. OF COURSE it was embarassing but after a couple of minutes she was begging to go back in and promised she would behave. I know Paityn seems too little to treat that way, but I started with time outs at age 1 and they work fairly well for us. I think kids like being treated like us, so any opportunity you have to actually give her a choice, DO IT. whether it is something simple like what color of ball she wants to hold while you grocery shop, or something bigger like going to the park or grandma's. (Since she can't talk, pictures work). Let her decide. I've found that when they get a choice, there are far less battles too. Well, good luck. I hope I helped after my short novel I just wrote! Remember too, that when all else fails, laugh it off, pick her up and leave! You are taking the privelege away from her... she'll learn. Love you!

Jessica said...

I'm not one to ask on this topic. Not only do I not have children but my dog, yes dog, throws temper tantrums when you take her ball away. She sits by where ever we have put her ball and pouts!! And this is why I don't have kids!!